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AWS Lambda best practices


AWS Lambda best practices




Remove entries in Security Group which allow http access on public ip

Remove entries in security group which allows Netbios(TCP port 139 and UDP ports 137, 138 ) access from public IP

Remove entries in security group which allows FTP( TCP port 20 and 21) access from public IP

Send report of Security Groups which allows Oracle DB(TCP port 1521 ) access from public IP



Our Latest Posts

AWS Lambda best practices

AWS Lambda Best Practices: High Availability, Monitoring and Security

Merely deploying functions on lambda doesn't conclude the process, maintenance is just as imperative. On this post, we cover the best practices to ensure high availability, monitoring and security of your lambdas.

Instance Weighting for Spot Instances

We outline the steps involved in using 'Instance Weighting' feature of AWS while assigning weights to your instances in a Spot Fleet

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